
帮我把这个故事改的口语化一点今天我给大家讲一个故事 这个故事的主人公就是我们十分



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Today, Ill tell you a familiar story, whose hero is Kong Jung. One day, an aunt from his neighborhood sent a large basket of crystal pears.The pears are inviting, with fragrant smell, and looks like some shining brilliantly big yellow precious stones which made his several brothers could not help pourring mouth water. Elder brother said he want to eat the biggest pear while the younger brother want to eat the very one. No sooner did the words be said than a few brothers rush at he biggest pear. However , Kong Jung was the only one stood quietly, after his brothers grabbing, he went slowly and randomly pick one of the smallest to eat. At this time , the elder brother find it strange and asked: "Jung, there are bigger pear in the basket, and Why do you eat the smallest one?" Kong Jung replied: "The teacher said that children need to know of humility. The big pear should be given to my brother ,while It will be fine for me to have the small one . " Another time , a friend of Kong Jungs brother Kong bao, offended one of the manager in power at that time for a small thing , so he went Kong Jung for a shelter . It happened not to be home for Kongbao , but Kong.Jung said: "I can decided it , please come in." Who would have thought that there is no windtight wall, and it must be someone make it out . The officials arrested Kong bao and Zhang Jian, and sentenced hime to be criminal for aids a criminal . Having heard that, Kong Jung became very anxious. So he went to the official and said: "Kong Jung , I am happy to see you ,the manager .I beg for you to release my brother, Its me who preciously deposit Zhang Jian , and my elder brother have no knowledge of it." while his Brother said: "No, manager , you shouldnt listen to him, Zhang Jian is my friend, and Ill take this responsibility . " The two brothers argued with each other and refused to give in .The manager also be touched by their precious friendship, so he let out both of them .终于ok···了··

帮我把这个故事改的口语化一点今天我给大家讲一个故事 这个故事的主人公就是我们十分熟悉的孔融.一天 邻居的阿姨送来了一大筐水晶梨.这梨可诱人了 闻一闻真香 有的晶莹透亮像一颗大

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帮我把这个故事改的口语化一点今天我给大家讲一个故事 这个故事的主人公就是我们十分

帮我把这个故事改的口语化一点今天我给大家讲一个故事 这个故事的主人公就是我们十分


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