

时间:2020-08-12 21:00:01



He is telling us a story.他正在给我们讲故事。 He promised to tell the children a story as soon as theyd got into bed.他许诺孩子们一上床就给他们讲故事。 He has a short story.他有部短篇小说。 Im reading an interesting story.我在读一篇有趣的小说。 Theres no need to be frightened, its only a story.没有必要害怕,这只不过是个虚构的故事。 Her story was a pure fiction.她的故事纯属虚构。 The story is hurt by many long descriptive passages.很多冗长描写的段落会使故事减色。 This story must be abridged.这篇小说必须加以删减。 He listened to me repeat the story.他听我又把故事讲了一遍。 The child read the story but didnt comprehend its full meaning.那孩子看了这篇故事,但没有理解它的全部意思。 Never mind the interruption, proceed with your story.不要理睬别人的干扰,继续讲你的故事。 My children love to hear detective stories.我的孩子们喜欢听侦探故事。 Children like to listen to fairy stories.孩子们喜欢听童话故事。 She wrote a story about space exploration.她写了一篇关于探索外层空间的故事。 Have you heard the story of Sleeping Beauty ?你听说过《睡美人》这个故事吗? The teacher interpreted the English story to her pupils.那老师给学生们口译英语故事。 He expanded his short story into a novel.他把他的短篇故事扩展成小说。 The story has got about everywhere.这事到处传开了。 That story has got into the newspaper.那件事已见报了。 Have you heard the story that she intends to resign?你听到她想辞职的传闻了吗? The story goes that hes run off with his secretary, but I cant believe it, can you?传闻称他同他的秘书私奔了,可是我不相信,你相信吗? The story goes that they got married.据说他们结婚了。 Do you believe his story?你相信他说的吗? Will you describe the story?把经过叙说一下好吗? His story put some depressing thoughts into my mind.他的叙述使我的心中产生了忧郁的念头。 The story you have just told reminded me of an experience I once had.你刚才讲的使我想起我以前的一次经历。 She told charming stories about her travels.她讲述了关于她旅行经历过的迷人的故事。 They told conflicting stories to the police.他们向警方作了互相矛盾的陈述。 The old lady sobbed out the story of her sons death in a traffic accident.那老太太抽抽搭搭地哭诉他儿子死于交通事故的经过。 His story is that somebody placed the stolen money in his flat.他的说法是有人把偷来的钱藏在了他的房间里。 Before we decide who was responsible, we want to hear his side of the story.在决定谁该承担责任以前,我们想听一听他对这事情的描述。 Thats my story and Im sticking to it.这就是我所说的情况,而且我坚持这一说法。 He told us the story of his experience他告诉我们他亲身的经历。 That diamond ring has a story.那个钻戒是有来历的。 The story of the play is interesting.那出戏剧情很有趣。 Im afraid we cant print your story on the fraud scandal, it might be libellous.对不起,我们不能发表你写的那篇有关欺骗丑闻的报道,因为它可能构成诽谤。 Whats this weeks cover story?这星期的封面专题报道是什么? His story was not consistent with the facts.他的报告与事实不符。 Have you read the story in that newspaper?你读了那张报纸上的报道了吗? I saw your name in a newspaper story.我在报纸的一则中看到了你的名字。 This text is adapted from a story in Chinese Literature .这篇课文是根据《中国文学》上登载的一篇故事改编的。 Thatll make a good story.这件事可以成为报道的好题材。 This event will be a good story for the paper.这事件是报纸的好素材。 Its a story.那是谎话。 Dont tell stories,Tom.汤姆,不要撒谎。 Good detectives can usually spot a story concocted to throw off suspicion.精明强干的侦探通常可以识破为了免遭怀疑而编造出来的假话。 He made up a wonderful story to explain his absence.他编了一套完美的谎言来解释他的缺席。 They all tell the same story.他们都这样说。 Crime is increasing in the US, and its the same story in Britain.美国犯罪率在上升,在英国情况也一样。 Its the same old story, mounting debts and not enough money to pay them with.又是那老一套,欠债越来越多,却没有足以支付的钱。


他经常给我们讲有趣的故事 让我们高兴 英语翻译   funny stories是什么意思

他经常给我们讲有趣的故事 让我们高兴 英语翻译 funny stories是什么意思



关于一件有意思的事An Interesting Story

关于一件有意思的事An Interesting Story



他在什么时候读的故事 的翻译是:When did he read story 中文翻译英文意思 翻译英语

他在什么时候读的故事 的翻译是:When did he read story 中文翻译英文意思 翻译英语



他在什么时候读的故事 的翻译是:When did he read story 中文翻译英文意思 翻译英语

他在什么时候读的故事 的翻译是:When did he read story 中文翻译英文意思 翻译英语

