
给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分



When I was 5 years old,my momalwaystoldmethathappinesswasthekeytolife.WhenIwenttoschool,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.I wrote down“happiness”.They told me I did not understand the assignment and I told them they did not understand life.

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

When I was 5 years old,my momalwaystoldmethathappinesswasthekeytolife.WhenIwenttoschool,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.I wrote down“happiness”.They told me I did not understand the assignment and I told them they did not understand life.

2020-07-24 #故事会在线阅读

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

When I was 5 years old,my momalwaystoldmethathappinesswasthekeytolife.WhenIwenttoschool,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.I wrote down“happiness”.They told me I did not understand the assignment and I told them they did not understand life.

2020-08-16 #短篇故事

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

When I was 5 years old,my momalwaystoldmethathappinesswasthekeytolife.WhenIwenttoschool,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.I wrote down“happiness”.They told me I did not understand the assignment and I told them they did not understand life.

2020-08-16 #故事会在线阅读

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

When I was 5 years old,my momalwaystoldmethathappinesswasthekeytolife.WhenIwenttoschool,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.I wrote down“happiness”.They told me I did not understand the assignment and I told them they did not understand life.

2020-08-15 #经典故事

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

给我编一个英语小故事 要有道理的!有教育意义 灌水的别答!答的好我可能给分

When I was 5 years old,my momalwaystoldmethathappinesswasthekeytolife.WhenIwenttoschool,they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.I wrote down“happiness”.They told me I did not understand the assignment and I told them they did not understand life.

2020-08-15 #故事会

一个真实又有教育意义的故事 后面有道理

一个真实又有教育意义的故事 后面有道理


2020-06-07 #长篇故事

一个真实又有教育意义的故事 后面有道理

一个真实又有教育意义的故事 后面有道理


2020-05-17 #小故事




2020-08-04 #小故事