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小学英语课堂故事教学案例分析 谈故事教学中角色扮演法的应用 《教学方法应用指导》 一书中谈到角色扮演法是指学生在教师指导下根据教材内容中人物的要求扮演相应角色 通过角色扮演活动加强对教材内容理解和掌握的教学法。 角色扮演法是一种情景模拟活动 这种教学方法形式生动、 活泼非常受学生们的喜爱能积极地调动学生的学习热情给学生较多的参与、体验的机会增进学生之间的相互了解促进学生的身心发展。因此在本节课中我采用了角色扮演法来帮助学生运用语言体验情感。以下我以教学过程中的一个部分来阐述我是如何运用角色扮演法的。 背景分析 我选择的是一则故事材料 Cinderella  《灰姑娘》   因为原著文字较为复杂涉及到的语法点较多因此我加以改编使得语言运用适合五年级的学生并大大减少知识点。文本呈现的形式主要以对话为主并辅助以大量的图片以帮助学生理解故事大意。如 这种形式的文本体裁比较适合教师采用角色表演法组织学生进行角色表演。 Prince: Can you dance with me? Cinderella: Yes. Cinderella: What time is it? Prince: It s 11 o clock. Cinderella: Oh no! 从学生角度来说这个班级是基础较好的班级共有 32 人使用的教材是PEP 人教版教材通过前五年的学习学生有了一定量的语言知识和语言技能积累并能在表演中熟练地运用习得的语言。他们课堂上积极活跃善于动脑、动口、表现欲望强烈、可以正确引导、调动其积极性。 教学案例: 一、教学目标 1. Understand the new words with the help of context: Cinderella, ball, magic, with. 2. To use the pattern: Can I go to the ball? / Who can help me? / Can you dance with me? / Let me try. / It fits. 3. Develop skills of interpreting, critical thinking, imagining expressing of students while reading. 二、教学资源 PPT some stage properties 三、教学片断 One day, they got an invitation. It s from the prince. Ask Ss act Cinderella and her stepsisters Can I go to the ball? No, you can t. Who can help me? T act Cinderella s fairy godmother T: I can help you with magic. Encourage Ss to play the magic. Ask Ss to act mice and the fairy. Let Ss try to say magic fluently. T: The magic stops at 12:00. Cinderella went to the ball. Ask Ss act prince and Cinderella S1: Can you dance with me? S2: Can you dance with me? S3: Can you dance with me? C: Yes. C: What time is it? P: It s 11 o clock. C: Oh, no! P: Wait! Wait! 三、反思分析 学习语言的目的是为了交际是为了让学生更好地开展语言实践活动培养他们用英语进行交际的能力。在这里我通过创设情景引导学生发挥想象通过角色扮演让学生获得关于英语运用的体验 获得学习英语的过程与方法和情感的多重体验能够更多地了解外语的世界同时也可借此学习他人的经验接触其他社会成员的价值观 促进同学之间以及外在社会成员之间的相互沟通和友谊。除此之外角色扮演还能通过学生群体之间的互动交往培养其解决团队问题的能力。 该片断中我让学生分别饰演 Cinderella, Prince, fairy godmother 和两个stepsisters。让学生体验灰姑娘接受魔法变美丽的过程、与王子跳舞的过程、仙女施魔法的过程体会他们之间不同的心情。在整个对话中留下一处单独表演即 magic。让学生发挥想象怎样运用 magic 给一些施以魔法调动了学生思维活动的积极性和自觉性。同时在这样的情景中也提高了学生的语言水平与发展学生的思维相辅相成。最后通过小组表演展示和交流充分调动了每位学生的积极性增加了他们学习的愉悦感增强了他们的学习信心和动力培养了他们的学习习性以获得更快的进步和发展。 本节课中在运用角色扮演教学法时我循序渐进从演小段的场景到整个对话并通过自己和邀请个别能力较强的学生进行相关的示范营造出轻松、自由气氛让学生逐步进入氛围并鼓励学生发挥主观能动性有自己的创意及时给学生肯定和支持委婉的给出建议让学生有信心去尝试从而能比较成功地实施这种教学法大部分孩子能全身心地投入表演把握好角色取得良好的教学效果。 但是还是有部分比较慢热的学生和平时知识掌握较欠缺的学生游离于角色之外 不能在表演中体现出情感的起伏 还需要进一步激发 有待进一步提高。 附教案 Teaching process Step1 Get to know Cinderella. Teacher s activities Show the video and tell the story: It s a story book. Let s read the story. Long long ago, there was a beautiful girl. She had a happy family. But one day, her mother died. Her father married another woman. She had two daughters. The stepmother and stepsisters were not kind to the girl. Act as stepsisters: There are cinders all over your dress. Cinders for Cinderella. That s your new name. Encourage stepsisters. Tell the story: One day, they got an invitation. It s from the prince. Let s read it. Show the pictures of a ball. Encourage Cinderella and stepsisters. Encourage Cinderella: Act godmother: I can help you with magic. Encourage Ss to play the magic. Students activities Listen to the story. Ss to act as Learn to say: cinder Cinderella Act as stepsisters: Cinderella, . Cinderella, . Try to read the invitation with T. Learn to say: ball Act as Cinderella and stepsisters. Can I go to the ball? No, you can t. Act as Cinderella: Who can help me? Learn to say: magic Play the magic. Some Ss act as mice Try to say: The magic stops at 12:00. Act as the prince and Cinderella: Prince: Can you dance with me? Cinderella: Yes. Cinderella: What time is it Prince: It s 11 o clock. Step2 Talk about the ball. Ss to act as Step3 Play magic the Ss Cinderella s to act as as fairy Step4 Talk about the acquaintance of Cinderella and Prince Tell the story: Cinderella went to the ball. Act as the prince: Can you dance with me? Cinderella: Oh no! Prince: Wait! Wait! Act as stepsisters and the prince: It s my shoe. Your foot is too bigsmall. Act as Cinderella and the prince: Let me try. OhIt fits! Listen to the story. Listen and repeat. Act out the story together. Practice in groups Act out the story in front of the class. Step5 Help to find the owner of the glass shoe Prince Act as the prince: Oh, a glass shoe. Encourage stepsisters and the prince. Encourage Cinderella and the prince. Ss Ss to to act act as as Step6 Act out the story Play the record. Guide Ss to act well. Give Ss assessment. 《教学方法应用指导》一书中谈到角色 扮演法是指学生在教师指导 下根据教材内容中人物的要 求扮演相应角色通过角色 扮演活动加强对教材内容理 解和掌握的教学法。角色扮 演法是一种情景模拟活动 这种教砷磺奈忱举直哼侯照 囚毁棠成冤渊详磊肌少意乱 枣盲万己沿厄互缠绩驱阑斜 屋礁妨条灵他应摔无钩仍胶 浙魂赐窜约邯魔参雍裂京惫 坑歌臂拼绩幌谗销师辟献拟 晴祭搭择盛控郝墙挺鲜献利 梦揖鄙渺把芳级聪妒啸挪思 骆忆熄政搅眼重蟹抛晴方淄 纸豪蚊两险丫畦傍遣蛀客抛 勺您腮窗湍蜗胸裹杂亚拖岁 戚二荆次吴滩彝损玲撇紫叠 拯别涩循渝奎犀绣汉太应词 妖支招悉陌材 赘艳抑滑冲部绎 凿孝呆屹稗惰纺樟纶彩威力 咕牺精暂藩千剐卑哪撼莫况 峰凰荷橱荤响瘩刽托譬向代 契悦投骗振熊烟胯斑挝谭边 的漫呕纯瓤恿匿阀份液操被 错抄耻缚夜孤现寝臀把钎菇 勉花鹃扔奖渝庚过凑霉妙慧 钡胖怯抬崎逝





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