
请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能



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西游记 Journey to the West Journey to the West is a household legend and myth throughout East Asia, especially China, and among Chinese throughout the world. It is based on the real life monk Xuan Zangs also known as Tripitaka or Tang San Zang pilgrimage to India, to fetch back some Buddhist scriptures. Nonetheless, this fictional retelling focuses on San Zangs first disciple, the monkey king, Sun Wu Kong, who captured readers hearts and imagination with his bold, daring, and mischievous personality. He was also very rebellious. As a matter of fact, Wu Cheng En wrote Journey to the West to criticize Chinas political system and society. Basically, Journey to the West is about Tang San Zangs journey to the west duh and the difficulties he and his disciples face in between. It is overflowing with magic, demons, gods, immortals, and scrumptious action and adventure! It has lots of humor and some angst as well. Wu Kong and the other disciples, a pig demon Zhu Ba Jie and the river demon Sha Wu Jing, have to battle hordes of demons, who all want their master because his flesh will give immortality to anyone who eats it. This epic story is a captivating read, with the pilgrims getting into trouble in the most unexpected places, fighting through not only outright confrontation and abduction but also lies and disguises while using trickery of their own. Sun Wu Kong is especially good at this, having mastered the way of transforming himself into anything he likes, including a fly, tree, or a beautiful girl. Xi You Ji spans over a huge area, taking readers for a wild ride to the Heavens, volcanoes, seas, wide rivers, mountain peaks, demon filled caves, right down to the pits of Hell. The plot is imaginative and full of conflict, either with external enemies or between the pilgrims themselves. The characters are well developed, with distinct, three dimensional personalities. Well, most of them, at least. There are also underlying spiritual and religious themes. This masterpiece is frequently underestimated as it also portrays a realistic view of the political and social scenarios during the Ming Dynasty. In short, Xi You Ji is definitely worth your time. Grab the chance to experience one of the greatest classics of ancient China! 回答者: 小zho 江湖新秀 五级 4 22 09:30Journey to the West Journey to the West is a household legend and myth throughout East Asia, especially China, and among Chinese throughout the world. It is based on the real life monk Xuan Zangs also known as Tripitaka or Tang San Zang pilgrimage to India, to fetch back some Buddhist scriptures. Nonetheless, this fictional retelling focuses on San Zangs first disciple, the monkey king, Sun Wu Kong, who captured readers hearts and imagination with his bold, daring, and mischievous personality. He was also very rebellious. As a matter of fact, Wu Cheng En wrote Journey to the West to criticize Chinas political system and society. Basically, Journey to the West is about Tang San Zangs journey to the west duh and the difficulties he and his disciples face in between. It is overflowing with magic, demons, gods, immortals, and scrumptious action and adventure! It has lots of humor and some angst as well. Wu Kong and the other disciples, a pig demon Zhu Ba Jie and the river demon Sha Wu Jing, have to battle hordes of demons, who all want their master because his flesh will give immortality to anyone who eats it. This epic story is a captivating read, with the pilgrims getting into trouble in the most unexpected places, fighting through not only outright confrontation and abduction but also lies and disguises while using trickery of their own. Sun Wu Kong is especially good at this, having mastered the way of transforming himself into anything he likes, including a fly, tree, or a beautiful girl. Xi You Ji spans over a huge area, taking readers for a wild ride to the Heavens, volcanoes, seas, wide rivers, mountain peaks, demon filled caves, right down to the pits of Hell. The plot is imaginative and full of conflict, either with external enemies or between the pilgrims themselves. The characters are well developed, with distinct, three dimensional personalities. Well, most of them, at least. There are also underlying spiritual and religious themes. This masterpiece is frequently underestimated as it also portrays a realistic view of the political and social scenarios during the Ming Dynasty. In short, Xi You Ji is definitely worth your time. Grab the chance to experience one of the greatest classics of ancient China!

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能简短通俗浅显口语化一点作业帮

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请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能

西游记 回答者 口语 作业 强人 英文版 英文 中国历史 江湖新秀 小故事

2020-05-01 #故事大全

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能

西游记 回答者 口语 作业 强人 英文版 英文 中国历史 江湖新秀 小故事

2020-05-01 #故事大全

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能


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请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能

请强人进来帮忙 我需要一个英文版的关于中国历史的有趣的小故事简短易懂 最好英文能


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