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系统复习资料八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit Wheredid you go vacation?Section 2dRick:Hi, Helen.Long time see.Helen:Hi,Rick.Yes,I vacationlast month. Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes,I went myfamily. Rick:Wow!Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen:Yes,I did.It wonderful!We took quite fewphotos there.What about you?Did you do anything special last month? Rick:Not really.I just stayed homemost relax.,Section 2bDid Jane have goodtime Monday?Whatabout Tuesday?Monday,July 15th myfamily.It hot,sowe decided beachnear our hotel.My sister triedparagliding.I felt like soexciting!For lunch,we had something very special Malaysian yellow noodles.They were delicious afternoon,werode bicycles newbuildings now,but many oldbuildings stillthere.In Weld Quay,a really old place Georgetown,wesaw Chinesetraders from 100 years ago.I wonder what life likehere past.Ireally enjoyed walking around town.Tuesday,July 16th What daymakes!My father PenangHill today.We wanted walkup startedraining littleso we decided train.Wewaited over trainbecause weretoo many people.When we got rainingreally hard.We didnt have umbrellaso we were wet terrible!Andbecause badweather ,we couldnt see anything below.My father didnt bring enough money,so we only had one bowl sohungry!But tastedgreat!, Howoften do you exercise? Section 2dJack:Hi,Claire,are you free next week? Claire:Hmm...next week quitefull me,Jack.Jack:Really?How come? Claire:I have dance pianolessons. Jack:What kind youlearning? Claire:Oh, swing dance.Its fun!I have class once week,everyMonday. Jack:How often do you have piano lessons? Claire:Twice week,onWednesday Friday.Jack:Well,how about Tuesday? Claire:Oh,I have playtennis myfriends.But do you want come?Jack:Sure!, Section 2bWhat Do No.5 High School Students Do FreeTime? Last month we asked our students about freetime activities.Our questions were about exercise,use watchingTV.Here results.We found onlyfifteen percent ourstudents exercise every day.Fortyfive percent exercise four sixtimes week.Twentypercent exercise only one threetimes week.Andtwenty percent do all!We all know manystudents often go online,but we were surprised ninetypercent themuse Internetevery day.The other ten percent use leastthree fourtimes week.Moststudents use ourquestions about watching television were also interesting.Only two percent studentswatch TV one threetimes week.Thirteenpercent watch TV four sixtimes week.Andeightyfive percent watch TV every day!Although many students like watchsports,game shows mostpopular. watchinggame shows,but we think bestway throughexercise.It playingsports fun,andyou can spend time yourfriends youplay together. remember,“oldhabits die hard” Sostart exercising before toolate moreoutgoing than my sister. Section 2dJulie:Did you like singingcompetition yesterday,Anna? Anna:Oh,it fantastic!Nellysang so well! Julie:Yes,but thinkLisa sang better than Nelly. Anna:Oh,which one Lisa?Julie:The one shorterhair.I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. Anna:Yes,but Nelly danced better than Lisa. Julie:But you can tell Lisapracticed lotmore reallywanted win.Anna:Well,everyone wants mostimportant thing learnsomething havefun., Section 2bJeff Green My mother told me goodfriend mirror.Imquieter moreserious than most kids.Thats why likereading books studyingharder class.Mybest friend Yuan Li quiettoo,so we enjoy studying together.Im shy so makefriends.But thinkfriends likebooks—you dont need theyregood. Huang Lei same.Mybest friend Larry quitedifferent from me.He moreoutgoing than me.We both like sports, heplays tennis better ,so he always wins.Im getting better though.AsLarry often says,“My best friend helps bringout me.”However,Larry muchless hard working,so alwaysget better grades.Maybe shouldhelp him more. Mary Smith dontreally care myfriends different.Myfavorite saying truefriend reaches yourhand touchesyour heart.” My best friend Carol reallykind veryfunny.In fact,shes funnier than anyone know.Ibroke my arm last year shemade me laugh feelbetter.We can talk about shareeverything.I know she cares about me because shes always bestmovie theater? Section 2dGreg:Hi,Im Greg.Im new town.Helen:Hi,Im Helen.Welcome neighborhood!Howdo you like sofar? Greg:Its fantastic,but stilldont really know my way around. Helen:Well,the best supermarket CenterStreet.You can buy freshestfood cinemaaround here?I love watching movies. Helen:Yes,Sun Cinema newestone.You can sit mostcomfortably because biggestseats. Greg tellingme. Helen problem.,Section WhosGot Talent? Everyone something,butsome people trulytalented.Its always interesting watchother people show talents.Talentshows gettingmore morepopular.First,there were shows like American Idol AmericasGot Talent.Now,there similarshows around ChinasGot Talent. All showshave one thing common:Theytry bestsingers,the most talented dancers, mostexciting magicians,the funniest actors soon.All kinds peoplejoin shows.Butwho can play mostbeautifully?Thats up decide.Whenpeople watch show,theyusually play winneralways gets verygood prize. However,not everybody enjoys watching shows.Somethink madeup.For example,people who say poorfarmers factjust actors.But youdont take showstoo seriously,they watch.Andone great thing about them givepeople dreamscome true., Doyou want gameshow? Section 2dGrace:What did you do classtoday,Sarah? Sarah:We had discussionabout TV shows.My classmates like game shows sportsshows. Grace:Oh,I cant stand them.I love soap operas.I like seewhat happens next. Sarah:Well,I dont mind soap operas.But my favorite TV shows talkshows. Grace: Theyre boring! Sarah:Well,they may veryexciting,but you can expect lotfrom them.I hope TVreporter one day., Section 2bWhen people say “culture”,we think onevery famous symbol Americanculture cartoon.Weall know blackmouse twolarge round ears—Mickey Mouse.Over 80 years ago,he firstappeared cartoonSteamboat Willie.When cartooncame out NewYork November18,1928,it firstcartoon music.Theman behind Mickey WaltDisney.He became very rich 1930s,hemade 87 cartoons Mickey.Some people might ask how cartoonanimal became so popular.One mainreasons commonman, healways tried faceany danger.In his early films,Mickey hadmany problems losinghis house girlfriend,Minnie.However,he alwaysready tryhis best.People went “littleman” win.Most themwanted likeMickey. November18,1978,Mickey became firstcartoon character HollywoodWalk Fame.Peopletoday expect seemore than just littlemouse fighting bad guys,but many still know who he is.Who has earsmore famous than Mickeys studycomputer science. Section 2dAndy:What youreading,Ken? Ken:The Old Man Hemingway.Andy:Wow,now knowwhy youre so good writingstories. Ken:Yes,I want writer.Andy:Really?How yougoing writer?Ken:Well,Im going writingstories,of course.What do you want Andy:Myparents want me sureabout Ken:Well,dontworry.Not everyone knows what be.Justmake sure you try your best.Then you can anythingyou want! Andy:Yes,youre right., Section 2b1.Do you know what time,wemake promises otherpeople.“Mom,I promise tidymy room when getback from school.”However,promises you make mostcommon kind NewYears resolutions.The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.When we make resolutions year,wehope improveour lives.Some people write down comingyear.This helps them resolutions.How about you — will you make any next year? differentkinds aboutphysical health.For example,some people promise exerciseprogram eatless fast food.Many resolutions have aboutmaking yourself betterperson.Some people might say takeup hobbylike painting takingphotos,or learn guitar.Someresolutions have betterplanning,like making weeklyplan schoolwork.Forexample,a student may have findmore time study.3.Although differences,mostresolutions have one thing common.Peoplehardly ever keep them! goodreasons resolutionsmay toodifficult keep.Sometimespeople just forget about them.For reason,somepeople say bestresolution resolutions!Otherstell friendsabout peoplehave robots? Section 2dNick: What youreading,Jill? Jill:Its bookabout future.Nick:Sounds cool.So what like?Jill:Well,cities morecrowded fewertrees greatdanger. Nick:That sounds bad!Will we have otherplanets? Jill:Maybe.But earth.Nick:Me,too.Then what can we do? Jill:We can use less water plantmore trees. Everyoneshould play earth.,Section 2bDo You Think You HaveYour Own Robot? When we watch movies about future,wesometimes see robots.They usuallyjust like human servants.They help dojobs like working dangerousplaces. Today alreadyrobots working factories.Forexample,they can help buildcars,and dosimple jobs over overagain.Fewer people futurebecause boring,butrobots neverget bored. Somescientists believe morerobots maytake hundreds nowtrying makerobots look like humans samethings us.Somerobots Japancan even walk dance.Thesekinds scientistJames White thinks samethings person.Forexample,its easy wakeup knowwhere are.Mr.Whitethinks robotswont somescientists disagree.They think talklike humans 50years. New robots havemany different shapes.Some looklike humans,and others might look like snakes. buildingsfall down peopleinside,snake robots helplook peopleunder buildings.Thatmay seempossible now, rocketsseemed impossible 100 years ago.We never know what Howdo you make bananamilk shake? Section 2dAnna:Sam,I want makeRussian soup Saturday.Canyou tell me how? Sam:Sure.First,buy some beef, one cabbage ,four carrots ,three potatoes ,five tomatoes oneonion.Then, cut up vegetables.Anna:Whats next? Sam:Next, put addsome water.After cookthem 30minutes.Then,add another10 minutes. Anna:OK,thats Sam:No,onemore thing.Finally,dont forget addsome salt., Section 2bThanksgiving UnitedStates mostcountries,people usually eat traditional food specialholidays.A special day UnitedStates manyreasons specialday.For some people,it givethanks fourthThursday UnitedStates.At time,people also remember firsttravelers from England who came Americaabout 500 years ago.These travelers had long,hardwinter,and many





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