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My wife gave me a piece of her mind1 again. 我老婆又臭骂了我一通。Andrew’s NoteIf your wife gives you a piece of her mind, you should give her a taste of the back of your hand. No, of course I’m joking. Wife beating cannot be condoned under any circumstances. Only a lousy two bit punk would ever hit a woman.如果妻子把你臭骂一通,你就该让她尝尝你的手背的滋味。不,当然是开玩笑。打妻子在任何情况下都是不能宽恕的。只有讨厌的二半调子才(小阿飞)会打女人。[1] This morning Marston seemed to be a little angry at something, furrowing his brow2, so I didn’t want to bug him with further discussion of American idioms and slang. I was afraid of adding fuel to the fire3 and offending him further. [2] All of a sudden, he uttered in anguish4, “My wife gave me a piece of her mind last night. She accuses me of5 indifference towards her. And moreover, she threatens to get divorced if I don’t take it into serious consideration6.” [3] Hearing that, I replied with a joke, “Women are spoiled all over the world by men who put women on a pedestal7. Your wife is no different. And of course she hopes to be doted upon8. Perhaps there is something to be desired in your attitude towards her, or she wouldn’t fly off the handle9. What you have to do is go on spoiling her. No care, no love.” 参考译文[1] 今天早上马斯顿哭丧着脸,好像为啥事儿生气,所以,我不想打扰他继续讨论美国习语和俚语。我恐怕火上浇油,惹他更不高兴。 [2] 突然间,他极度痛苦地说:“我妻子昨晚上对我横加指责,说我对她冷淡。 而且,她还威胁说如果我不把这事当真,她就要跟我离婚。”[3] 听到这话,我便开玩笑说:“全世界的女人都被男人们娇宠坏了,他们像对待女皇一样地宠爱着女人们。你妻子也不例外。她当然希望受宠娇惯。或许你对待她的态度就有问题,不然她不会发那么大的火呀。你要做的就是继续娇宠她。没有关心,就没有爱嘛!”指点迷津give sb a piece of one’s mind scold or reprimand sb. 谴责;严厉训斥Tom has been drunk for a few nights in a row, so his wife gave him a piece of her mind yesterday. 汤姆连续几天晚上都喝得酩酊大醉,所以昨天他老婆臭骂了他一顿。 furrow ones brow 哭丧着脸;不高兴My sister furrowed her brow and kept to herself(不与人交往, 离群独居)without saying even a single word the whole morning. 我妹妹哭丧着脸,连一句话也不说,独自呆了一整上午。 add fuel to the fire pour oil on the flames 火上浇油Leave it to me and don’t meddle with my business. You are just adding fuel to the fire. 别管我!请不要管我的闲事。你纯粹是在火上浇油。 in anguish in great distress 极度痛苦Judas lost all his money in gambling, so now he is in anguish and regret. 犹大赌博把钱都输光了,所以他现在十分痛苦,懊恼不已。 accuse sb. of 指控;指责某人The American government accuses North Korea of nuclear development. 美国政府指责北朝鲜从事核武器开发。 take sth. into serious consideration 严肃认真地考虑某事。We can put the plan into practice,but first of all we must take every possible factor into serious consideration. 我们能够实施该项计划,但是首先我们必须认真考虑每个可能的因素。 put someone on a pedestal 喜爱;宠信☆ Mary thinks she’s special because all the boys put her on a pedestal. 玛丽认为自己很特别,因为所有的男孩子都对她宠爱有加。 dote on 溺爱;宠爱The parents dote on their only daughter and try to satisfy her desires at all costs. 这对父母溺爱他们的独生女儿,不惜一切代价满足她的要求。 fly off the handle 激动;发脾气Seeing the window broken into pieces, Father flew off the handle and demanded fiercely, “”Who on earth broke the window? ” 看见窗户破成碎片,父亲大动肝火,厉声问道:“究竟是谁把窗户打破了?”


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