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P2 Module 1 Unit 1 Part 3


1、what is Miss Li?

A. a doctor B. a teacher C. a worker

2. where is Lingling from?

A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. New York

3. What is the relationship between Lingling and Daming?

A. friends B. sister and brother C. mother and son

4. How old is Wanghui?

A. 11 B. 12 C. 13

P8 Module 2 Unit 1 Part 3


1. Where is Betty from?

A. China B. America C. England

2. How old is Betty?

A11 B. 12 C. 13

3. Where is Tony from?

A. China B. America C. England

4. How old is Tony?

A11 B. 12 C. 13

P14 Module3 Unit1 Part3


1. How many students are there in a class in Betty s school?

A. 20 B. 21 C. 22

2. How many boys are there in Daming s class?

A. 22 B. 24 C. 25

3. Who has a computer in Daming s class?

A. Daming B. Miss Li C. No one

P21 Module 4 unit1 part3


1. How many people are there in Tony s family?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5

2. How many uncles does Tony have?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

3. Tony doesn t have any grandparents?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn t. C. Sorry, I don t know.

学生用书听力材料 :

P2 Module 1 Unit 1 Part 3

Miss Li: Hello. My name s Miss Li. I m a teacher and I m Chinese. I m from Wuhan.

What s your name? Where are you from?

LingLing: My name LingLing. I m from Beijing. I m twelve years old and I m

Chinese. This is Daming. He s my friend .We re students.

Daming: Hello. My name s Daming. I m a student and I m twelve years old. I m

from Beijing. Lingling is my friend. What s your name?

Wang Hui: My name s Wang Hui. I m a student and I m from Shanghai and I m a

student. I m Chinese. I m in Class One.

Miss Li: Nice to meet you, Wang Hui.

Wang Hui: Nice to meet you, too.

P8 Module 2 Unit 1 Part 3

Miss Li: Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. They are from Beijing

International School. This is Betty.

Betty: Hello. My name s Betty. I m from America. I m 13 years old

and I m a student. I can play football and I can play basketball. I can speak English, but I can t speak Chinese. This is Tony. He s my friend.

Tony: Hello. My name s Tony . I m 11years old. I m from England and I can

speak English. I can play football and table tennis, and I can ride a bike. Lingling: Can you swim?

Tony: No, I can t. And I can t speak Chinese!

P14 Module3 Unit1 Part3

Betty: In our school, there are 20 students in a class. In my classroom, there s a

blackboard and there are 22 desks.

Daming: There are 46 students in my class. That s 24 boys and 22 girls. No, that s not

right. There are 25 boys and 21 girls. There are 48 desks.

Betty: Are there any computers on your desks? Is there a computer on Miss Li s


Daming: No, there isn t. There isn t a computer on Miss Li s desk. And there aren t

any computer on our desks. Are there any computer in your classroom?

Betty: No, there aren t.

P21 Module 4 unit1 part3

Lingling: How many people are there in your family?

Tony: There are four my mum and dad, m y sister Linda, and me. I haven t got any brothers.

Lingling: Have you got any aunts or uncles?

Tony: My dad s got a brother and a sister. My mum s got a brother, but she hasn t got a sister. So I ve got one aunt and two uncles. And I ve got four grandparents.


教参P38 Module 1 Unit 1 Part 1


1. How many people are speaking?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

教参P52 Module 2 Unit 1 Part 2


1. What can Lingling play?

A. football and tennis B. football and basketball C. tennis and basketball

2. Can Lingling ride a horse?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can t. C. Sorry, I don t know.

教参P64 Module 3 Unit 1 Part 2


1. In Tony s class, there are girls.

A. 25 B. 15 C. 10

2. What s on the desk?

A. a computer and some books B. some books and dictionaries

C. some dictionaries and a computer

教参p76 Module4 unit1 part2


1. How many aunts does Tony have?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 4

2. What is Tony s sister s name?

A. Lily B. Betty C. Linda


教参P38 Module 1 Unit 1 Part 1

Wang Hui: Hello. My name s Wang Hui.

Lingling: Hello. My name s Lingling.

Wang Hui: Nice to meet you, Lingling.

Lingling: Nice to meet you, Wang Hui.

Wang Hui: I m a new student. Are you a new student?

Lingling: Yes, I am.

教参P52 Module 2 Unit 1 Part 2

Betty: Lingling, can you play football?

Lingling: Y es, I can. I can play football and I can play tennis. But I can t play


Betty: Can you ride a horse?

Lingling: No, I can t. But I can swim.

教参P64 Module 3 Unit 1 Part 2

Betty: This is our school, Beijing International School.

Tony: This is my classroom. There are twenty five students in my class. Fifteen are

girls and ten are boys. There are twenty six desks in my classroom. There are some books on the desks. There are also some dictionaries on the desks. But there aren t any computers in my classroom.

教参p76 Module4 unit1 part2

Daming: Have you got a big family, Tony?

Tony: Y es, I have. Look! This is a photo of my family. These are my grandparents at the back. I ve got two grandfathers and two grandmothers .I ve got two uncles and I ve got one aunt.

Daming: Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Tony: Yes, this is my sister at the front. Her name s Linda.

教师用书workbook 题

教参P44 workbook 题Module 1 Exercise 8


1. How old is Daming?

A. 11 B. 12 C. 14

2. Who is Daming s teacher?

A. Miss Zhang B. Miss Li C. Miss Wang

3. How old is Wanghui?

A11 B. 12 C. 13

workbook题Module 1 Exercise 9


1. Where is Peter from?

A. America B. China C. England

2. Where does Peter live?

A. in a hotel B. in a flat C. at school

workbook题Module 1 Exercise 10


1. How old is Lingling?

A. 12 B. 13 C. 14

2. what is the relationship between Lingling and Daming?

A. they are friends. B. They are brother and sister.

C. They do not know each other.

3. Which class is Daming in?

A. Class 1 B. Class 2 C. Class 3

4. Miss Li is from England, isn t she?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn t. C. No, she doesn t.

教参P57 workbook 题Module 2 Exercise 10


1. Can Lingling talk about jobs in English?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can t. C. Sorry, I don t know.

2. What can Daming talk about in English?

A. work places B. jobs C. sports

workbook题Module 2 Exercise 11


1. where is Betty from?

A. America B. England C. Canada

2.where is Tony from?

A. America B. England C. Canada

3.What can they both do?

A. Play football and basketball. B. Play tennis and ride a bike

C. Speak English.

4.What can Tony do?

A. Play football and basketball. B. Play tennis and ride a bike

B. Speak English.

workbook题Module 2 Exercise 12


1. Where is Helen from?

A. America B. England C. Canada

2.Where is Sam from?

A. America B. England C. Canada

3.What can Sam talk about in Chinese?

A. Jobs B. Sports C. Work places

教参P69 workbook 题Module3 Exercise 11


1. How many desks are there in Sam s class?

A. 42 B. 43 C. 51

2. How many girls are there in Helen s class?

A. 42 B. 24 C. 27

3. Who is next to Helen?

A. Sam B. David C. No one.

workbook题Module3 Exercise 12


1. What s Betty s brother s name?

A. Tony B. Robert C. Helen

2.How many classmates does he have?

A. 20 B. 30 C. 40

workbook题Module3 Exercise 13


1. whose desk is behind Wang Hui s desk?

A. Daming s B. Jiangli s C. mine

2. Whose desk is behind my desk?

A. Daming s B. Sun Yong s C. Zhang Ya s

教参p80 workbook题Module4 Exercise10


1. Does Tara have a father?

A. Ye s, she does. B. No, she doesn t. C. Sorry, I don t know.

2. How many brothers does she have?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

3. How many people are there in her family all together?

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8

workbook题Module4 Exercise12


1. How many brothers does Tara have?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

2. How old is one of her grandparents?

A. 84 B. 86 C. 88

3. How many children does one of her aunts have?

A. 3 B. 5 C. 6

教师用书workbook 题〈听力材料〉

教参P44 workbook 题Module 1 Exercise 8

Daming: Hello. My name s Daming. I m 12 years old. I m in Class One. My

teacher is Miss Li. What s your name?

Wang Hui: Hello. My name s Wang Hui. I m a new student. My teacher is Miss Li,

too. I m 13 years old. I m from China and I m Chinese.

workbook题Module 1 Exercise 9

Peter is from England. He is now in China. He speaks Chinese well. He lives in a flat with a Chinese family.

workbook题Module 1 Exercise 10

Linging is a student. She isn t from England and she isn t English. She s from China and she is Chinese. She is 12 years old.

Daming is a student. He is not in class 2. he is in Class One. He is in Miss Li s class. He is from China and he is Chinese. He is 12 years old. Lingling and Daming are good friends.

Miss Li is a teacher. She is not from England and she is not English. She is from China and she is Chinese. She is not a student. Daming and Lingling are in Miss Li s class.

教参P57 workbook 题Module 2 Exercise 10

Daming: I can t talk about jobs in English. Lingling. Can you?

Lingling: Y e s, I can, I can talk about jobs in English. But I can t talk about work

places in English. Can you?

Daming: No, I can t. But I can talk about sports in English.

workbook题Module 2 Exercise 11

Betty and Tony are good friends. Betty is from America. Tony is from England. They both speak English. Betty plays football and basketball. Tony can play tennis and ride a bike.

workbook题Module 2 Exercise 12

Helen is American. She can talk about jobs in Chinese. She can play basketball but she can t talk about sports in Chinese. And she can t talk about work places in Chinese.

Sam is English. He can t talk about jobs in Chinese. And he can t talk about work places in Chinese. But he can talk about sports in Chinese.

教参P69 workbook 题Module3 Exercise 11

Sam: My name is Sam. There are 42 students in my class. In my classroom, there s

a teacher s desk. And there are 43 desks for the students.

Helen: I am Helen. There are 51 students in my class. There are 24 boys and 27 girls.

There are 53 desks. My desk is next to David s desk.

workbook题Module3 Exercise 12

Betty has a brother. His name is Robert. Robert loves his new school. There are thirty boys and girls in the class. He learns a lot and has great fun in school.

workbook题Module3 Exercise 13

In my classroom, Jiang Li s desk is next to Wang Hui s desk. Wang Hui s desk is in front of Daming s desk and JiangLi s desk is in front of my desk. My desk and Daming s desk are behind their desks. Sun Y ong s and Zhang Y a s desks are behind our desks. Sun Y ong s desk is behind my desk and Zhang Y a s desk is behind Daming s desk.

教参p80 workbook题Module4 Exercise10

Daming: I ve got a photo of my American friend. Her name s Tara.

Lingling: How many people are there in her family?

Daming: She s got a big family. She s got a mother but she hasn t got a father. She s got two brothers .And she s got three sisters.

workbook题Module4 Exercise12

Daming: My friend Tara s got a very big family. She s got a mother and she s got three sisters. She s also got two brothers. But she hasn t got a father.

Lingling: Has she got grandparents or uncles and aunts?

Daming: Y es, she has. She s got four grandparents. One of her grandfathers is 84 years old. She s got three aunts and five uncles. And one of her aunts has got six children. She s got three boys and three girls.






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