
读故事背考研单词 字母 H 三



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H 5 historian n.历史学家 historic a.有历史意义的;历史的 historical a.历史的;有关历史的 hitherto ad.到目前为止,迄今 hobby n.业余爱好,嗜好,兴趣 hoist v.举起,升起,吊起 hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制 hold on 继续;握住不放 hold on to 紧紧抓住,支持,坚持 hold out 维持,支持;坚持;不屈服 hold up 举起,承载;阻挡,使停止;抢劫,拦截 holder n.持有者,占有者;台、架等支持物 hollow a.空的,中空的;空洞的,空虚的v.挖空,凿空 holy a.神圣的,圣洁的 home and abroad 国内外 homogeneous a.同种类的,同性质的,有相同特性的 honesty n.诚实,正直,老实 honey n.蜜,蜂蜜 in honor of 为纪念,向……表示敬意 on ones honor 以…名誉担保 hook n.钩,吊钩,钩状物v.钩住 horizon n.地平线;眼界,见识 horizontal a.地平线的;水平的 horn n.牛、羊等的角,触角;号,喇叭;角状物;角制品 horrible a.令人恐怖的,可怕的;极讨厌的,使人不愉快 horror n.恐怖,战栗 Words:18 Phrases:8 Total: 26 An honorable historian studied historical events and people. His book opened up new horizons for people. His hobby was to collect homogeneous animals horns home and abroad. The horns were holy to him. November 20, 1978 was a historic day for the historian. He got married and began his honeymoon on the sea. The weather forecast said horrible weather was coming. His wife was filled with horror at the news. But the historian made his choice and he would hold on to the end. When danger came, he would not hold back. He was on his honor to ensure her safety. She was sure of his honesty. So the sailors hoisted the flags and set sail. From the third day, it rained. The rain held on. The ship held out against strong wind and big waves. The food supplies held out for a week. The voyage had been held up by the horrible weather. Three days later, the sun appeared above the horizon. The historian drew a horizontal line on the date to remember it. His wife caught fish with fishhooks for fun. The next adventure they took was to go across the African jungle. But the thieves held up their truck and took everything in it. Only a hollow lamp holder was left. The searching team did not find the couple. Whether they were alive or not, this was a riddle hitherto unknown. That year, the country set up a holiday in honor of the historian. 一名可敬的历史学家研究有关历史的事迹和人物。他的书打开了人们的眼界。他的爱好是收集国内外同种类的动物的角。那些角对他而言很神圣。1978年的11月20日对这名历史学家来说有历史意义。他结婚了并开始了他的海上蜜月旅行。天气预报说可怕的天气即将到来。他的妻子听到消息后心里充满了恐怖。但历史学家做了选择就一定坚持到底。当危险来临时,他不会退缩。他以名誉担保她的安全。她信任他的诚实。于是海员升起船旗出发了。从第三天开始,天下雨了。雨儿继续下着。船在大风大浪中坚持着。食物只能维持一周。航程被可怕的天气阻挡了。三天后,太阳出现在地平线上。历史学家在日期上画了一条水平线来记住这天。他的妻子用鱼钩捕鱼采娱乐。他们接下来的历险是穿越非洲丛林。但窃贼们抢劫了他们的卡车并抢走了所有的东西,只有一个中空的灯的支持物灯座留下来。搜查队没有找到那对夫妇。他们是生是死,迄今还是一个谜。那年,为纪念这名历史学家,那个国家设立了一个节日。H 6 horsepower n.马力 hose n.水龙带,软管v.用软管淋浇或冲洗 hospitality n.好客,殷勤,款待 host n.主人;旅店老板;节目主持人;一大群,许多 hostage n.人质 hostess n.女主人,女主持人 hostile a.敌对的,敌意的;敌方的 keephouse 管理家务,做家务 household n.户,家庭,全家人a.家庭的 hug v./n.热烈拥抱,紧抱 humanity n.人类,人性,人情;[pl.]人文科学 hmnble a.谦卑的,恭/顷的;低下的,卑贱的v.降低,贬抑 humid a.湿的,湿气重的 humidity n.湿气,湿度 humor/humour n.幽默,诙谐 humorous a.幽默的,诙谐的. hunger after 渴望 hunger for 渴望 hurry up 使赶快,迅速完成 in a hurry 匆忙地,急于 hut n.小屋,棚屋 hydrogen n.氢 hypothesis n.假说,假设,前提 hysterical a.情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里的Words:19 Phrases:5 Total: 24 Mr. Dewey and Mrs. Dewey had a small hut. They were a couple of nice humanity. The host was humorous. He had a great sense of humor. The hostess was humble. She kept house well. Every morning, she hosed the flowers in the garden. They had a dog named horsepower. The whole household worked very hard. Their hospitality left all of the guests a very good impression. It was humid that evening. The hut was not comfortable because of the high humidity. Mr. Dewey hungered after a cup of hot coffee and Mrs. Dewey had a hunger for a sunny day. Just then, three strangers came in. Horsepower was hostile to them. Mr. Dewey made three hypotheses, but only proved ,one. That is, they were bandits! The bandits kept them as hostages. They frightened the couple saying that they had a hydrogen bomb! Mrs. Dewey cried hysterically. Horsepower rushed out of the hut. Mr. Dewey wished the police would hurry up and come. With the help of the dog, the police did. come in a hurry! They saved the couple. Mr. Dewey hugged his wife. They would never forget, that night! 杜威先生和杜威太太有一个小棚屋。他们是一对人性善良的夫妇。主人是幽默的,他有很强的幽默感。女主人很谦卑。她做家务做得很好。每天早上,她都用软管给花园里的花浇水。他们有一只狗叫“马力”。全家人工作都很努力。他们的好客给所有客人留下很好的印象。那天晚上湿气重。棚屋因为很大的湿气而让人很不舒服。杜威先生渴望有一杯热咖啡,而杜威夫人渴望有一个晴天。正在那时,三个陌生人进屋了。马力对他们很有敌意。杜威先生做了三个假设,但仅证实了一个。即是,他们是强盗!强盗们把他们扣为人质。他们恐吓这对夫妇说他们有氢弹!杜威太太歇斯底里地大叫起来。马力冲出了棚屋。杜威先生希望警察赶快来。在小狗的帮助下,警察的确匆忙赶来了!他们救出了杜威夫妇。杜威先生紧抱住妻子。他们永远也忘不了今夜!

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