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Allen Dale Kingdom lived two little princess, sister Elsa born with to create ice magic. One day, her and Anna play in the snow in the palace, but when it crazy play, Elsa ice accidentally hit Anna, make her in. The king and queen hurried up the mountain to seek the goblin assistance. Goblin peppy cured Anna, also eliminates her magic memory. Anna later although forget all memory of the accident, but her still for that matter trauma. Then, the king and queen shut the castle gate, command Elsa stay in dormitory. However, magic but with Elsa growing up and growing. But Anna did not know why the former close sister and myself off to contact Elsa suddenly. Anna always went to Asia in front of the house, try to use various methods to coax her out, but always settle a matter by leaving it unsettled. When two people grew up, the king and queen in a shipwreck died, two sisters although feel lonely and helpless, but not seeking companionship and comfort each other. Three years later, Elsa must inherit the throne, become queen. Because the castle door and excited Anna runaway horse in the kingdom of wandering around, and saw Hans from the South Islands Prince, two human feelings arise spontaneously. When Anna took just one day to see Hans, Elsa says hoping to get her to two person of blessing. However, Elsa cannot accept sister rush and strangers make life, two people quarrel, quarrel between Anna ripped off her gloves, and Elsa emotion under sorcery. All in shock, Duke Weston accused Aisha is a monster. Elsa panic to escape into the Northern Kingdom, in. She inadvertently created with Anna childhood reactor Snowman Xuebao, and gave it life, also built a magnificent ice palace. She believed that she does not need to be this will hurt by others at any time. However, Elsa escape in the process, the spillover of magic to make summer Allen dale is covered with eternal winterAnna believes that her flight was his reason, decided to go to find her. The Iceman, reindeer, snowman, Kristoff located under the assistance, Anna found elsa. Elsa was pleased to see his sister, but still afraid of childhood tragedy. However, Anna told her Allen dale in the snow and ice, causing her panic, she knew she would eventually damage. Out of control in turn, they hit Anna in the chest. When the Kristoff and its up to find Anna, Elsa in order to let sister away from their own, created the giant Wendigo Marshmallow, a group of people out. At the same time, Anna left the ice palace after the body becomes weak, hypothermia, the hair has turned white, Kesituofu took her to the goblin tribe see peppy, peppy Anna pointed out the ice chest has been frozen in her heart, true love only act to save her, and the two of them hurried on to Allen Dale road looking for Hans. After Anna left, looking for Anna Hans from Allen Dale to Elsas Ice Palace, in the public and defense palace marshmallows fighting, two men into the palace the Duke Weston, prepared in accordance with the order of the Duke killed Elsa, and Elsa in ice when Chengwu resistance, almost killed two people. Aisha Hans rushed to the scene to let them go, lest it become other peoples monster. Then, with a crossbow to shoot down the large chandelier men, let not quick enough to escape the ELSA was stunned, and back to the kingdom. Hans went to her request to terminate the winter inside the prison, but her just acknowledge that they cannot solve. At this time, Anna was Kristoff quickly back to the palace, think Hans kiss can save her life. However, Hans did not lovers, had contact with Anna just to when Allen Dale king. Hans does not attend to the cry of the Anna, let her die in the room, and then executed for treason Elsa, but in Hans to kill Aisha, but she chapped hand chains, escaped. Arrived at the palace of Xuebao found Anna, and told her Kristoff has fallen in love with her. At this time, Kristoff saw the castle was located found snow cover and return, Anna also realized that his own heart, and the two of them decided to braved the storm, to find Kristoff.Hans chased away Aisha in the frozen Fjord, cheat she said Anna died, was deeply affected by the loss of her ground. When Hans was going to kill her, Anna used the last bit of energy barrier between two, smashed Hanss sword, oneself also is frozen into ice. Aisha hold Anna ice like crying. Anna began to melt, because she did not have to Kristoff in dying, but to save her, this move constitutes a true love, eliminates the harm. And Elsa also know true love is the key to master of magic. Allen Dale regain warm, Elsa to sit on the throne, she changed a light snow cloud let Xuebao can keep melting in the summer, Hans was deported back to South Ayers in the face of the Duke of Weston, Allen Dale and national sever diplomatic relations, Kristoff wish and Anna kiss, and Elsa and Anna picked up as the past like intimate sister relationship.




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