
英语故事Five Silly Fishermen 五个傻渔夫



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英语故事Five Silly Fishermen 五个傻渔夫 2018 03 03 ▲One fine day Five fishermen went fishing. One, two, three, four,five! Down to the river they ran. 某个风和日丽的日子, 五个渔夫出门钓鱼。 一,二,三,四,五! 他们跑到了河边。 ▲One sat on a rock. One stood on the dock. One climbed up a tree. One lay in the grass. 一个人坐在了石头上。 一个人站在了码头上。 一个人爬上了树。 一个人躺在了草地上。 ▲And one fisherman got into a boat. “Hello, down there! ” he called to the fish. “We are ready to catch you!” 一个渔夫跑到了船上去。 “你们好,那儿的小鱼们!” 他朝鱼儿们喊道。 “我们准备抓你们了!” ▲At the end of the day Each fisherman had a nice fat fish on his line. 一天的最后, 每个渔夫都钓到了一只肥美的鱼儿。 ▲“What a fine supper we will have!” said one fisherman. “Now let’s go home.” “First we must count to see if we are all here,”said another. “What if one of us fell into the water?” “我们将吃一顿多么丰盛的晚餐啊!” 一个渔夫讲到。 “现在,我们回家吧。” “首先我们需要数一数, 看一看是不是我们所有人都在这里。” 另一个渔夫说道。 “要是我们中有人掉进水里怎么办呢?” ▲So he began to count. “One, two, three,four. I see four fishermen. Oh, no! One of us is missing!” 所以,他开始数数。 “一,二,三,四。 我看见了四个渔夫。 哦,不,我们中有人失踪了!” ▲“It cannot be!”said another fisherman. “Maybe you counted wrong.” So he began to count. “One, two, three, four. I see four fishermen too! It is true. One of us has drowned!” “不可能!”另一个渔夫说道。 “或许,你数错了。” 于是他开始数起来。 “一,二,三,四。 我也只看见了四个渔夫! 这是真的。我们当中有人溺水了!” ▲All the fishermen hugged each other. They cried and cried. “Our poor friend ! What will we do without him?” 所有的渔夫都拥抱着彼此。 他们哭啊哭啊。 “我们可怜的朋友! 没有他,我们可怎么办呀!” ▲Just then, A little girl came by. She was going fishing too. “Why are you so sad?” She asked them. 就在这时, 一个小女孩走了过来。 她也是来钓鱼的。 “你们为什么这么悲伤啊?” 她问渔夫们。 ▲“There used to be five of us. But one drowned , ”said a fisherman. “Now there are only four. See ! One, two, three, four,” he counted again. “我们本来是五个人的。 但是有一个人淹死了。”渔夫说道。 “现在我们只有四个人了。看! 一,二, 三,四。” 他又数了一遍。 ▲Well, right away the little girl saw his mistake. The fisherman forgot to count himself. “Will you give me your fish if I find your friend?” She asked. “Yes! Yes!”they said. 小女孩一下子就看出了他的错误。 渔夫忘记把他自己数进去了。 “如果我找到了你们的朋友, 你们愿意把你们的鱼给我么?” 小女孩问道。 “愿意!愿意!”渔夫们回答道。 ▲“Now jump into the river one at a time,” the little girl told them. “And I will count you.” “现在你们一个一个地跳进水里面,” 小女孩告诉他们, “我来帮你们数。” ▲The fishermen did as they were told. Splash! Into the river they went. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! 于是渔夫们听从小女孩的话, 一个一个跳进了水里面。 噗通一声! 他们跳进了河里面。 一!二!三!四!五! ▲“Five!”the fishermen shouted. “Our lost friend is found! He did not drown after all!” The fishermen gave the little girl all their nice fat fish. Then home they went. “五!” 渔夫大喊道。 “我们丢失的朋友找到了! 他根本没有溺水!” 渔夫们把他们所有的肥美的鱼都给了小女孩。 然后回家了。 ▲They were very wet. They had no fish for supper. But they were all together again! 他们都湿透了。

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