
翻译并总结中心思想 小美人鱼的故事。



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The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the Sea King, her grandmother, and her five older sisters, born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she may swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters become old enough one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and human beings.小美人鱼与她的父亲海王、祖母和出生都只相隔一年的五个姐姐一起生活在大海深处。美人鱼15岁的时候,才允许游到水面以上看世界,姐姐们长到能够每年去海面时,每次她们回来,小美人鱼听到关于海面和人类的描述都非常向往。 When the Little Mermaid turns 15 she ventures to the surface. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him. There comes a great storm, and the prince almost drowns, but the Little Mermaid saves him and she delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until he is found by a young girl from the temple. But the prince never sees the Little Mermaid.当小美人鱼15岁时,她来到了海面。她看到了一个船舶,里面有个英俊的王子,小美人鱼深深地爱上了他。这时来了一场大风暴,王子几乎被淹死,小美人鱼救了,她把已经没有意识的王子送到附近岸边一个寺庙里。在这里,她一直等着,直到他被寺庙里的一个年轻的女孩发现。但是王子却从没有看到小美人鱼。 The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. She is told that no, humans have an even shorter lifespan than mermaids. Mermaids live for 300 years, but when they die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist. Humans, on the other hand, have a short lifespan on earth, but they have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid spends her days longing for the prince and for an eternal soul. At last she goes to the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue, because the Little Mermaid has the prettiest voice in the world. But drinking the potion will feel like a sword being passed through her, and walking on her feet will feel like walking on knives. And she will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die broken hearted and turn to sea foam.小美人鱼问她奶奶人类如果不被淹死,他们是否可以长生不老。奶奶告诉她不会的,人类的寿命比美人鱼更短。美人鱼能活300年,死了就变成海上泡沫不复存在。然而,人类在陆地上寿命很短,但他们死后却有一个永恒的灵魂在天堂。小美人鱼期待着王子和拥有人类一样永恒的灵魂。最后她去找海巫婆,巫婆卖给她一种让舌头变成腿的药水,因为小美人鱼有世界上最美的声音。喝药水后会感到被利剑穿过身体一样痛苦,她的脚走路时感觉像走在刀上。如果王子爱她,并能和王子结婚,就得到一个灵魂,因为那时王子灵魂的一部分会给了她。如果不能和王子结婚,在他另娶的第一天曙光来临时,小美人鱼将死于心碎而变成海上的泡沫。 中心:通过描写小美人鱼为王子牺牲了甜美的歌,甚至不惜生命变成泡沫,来争取自由的爱情和拥有人类一样永恒的灵魂,歌颂了为他人的幸福不惜牺牲自己的一种精神,和为改变命运,争取自由的反抗与奋斗的精神! 用英文总结:The Little Mermaid lives at the sea. When she turns 15, she may swim to the surface to watch the world above. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him when the Little Mermaid to the surface.Her grandmother tells her that humans have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid loves the prince and longs for an eternal soul. So, the Sea Witch sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue. She will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her. Otherwise, she will die broken hearted and turn to sea foam.

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