

时间:2020-08-20 00:48:01



Once upon a time ,at an old farm a mother duck sat on her eggs.很久以前,在一个老式的农场,鸭妈妈在孵蛋。One by one, the shells began to crack, and out came six chirping duckling,一个接着一个地,蛋壳开始噼啪噼啪地裂开,6只小鸭出壳了,“Peep, peep.”“唧唧,唧唧“地叫着。But the biggest egg still did not hatch.但是最大那个蛋的小鸭没有出壳。“ i have sit on it awhile longer,”said the mother duck.“我还要孵久一点才会出壳的。”鸭妈妈说。When the egg finally hatched, out came a strange looking duckling who gazed up at his worried mother,当蛋最终裂开了,出来一只很奇怪的鸭子,凝视着担忧的鸭妈妈,“He is my child, but not all like the others,”she said.他是我的孩子,只不过跟其他的不一样,鸭妈妈说。No one wanted to play with the poor ugly duckling,没有人愿意跟这个可怜的丑小鸭玩。He was large and clumsy and so different form his brothers and sisters.因为它又巨大又愚笨并且和它的兄弟姐妹不一样。All the animals on the farm laughed at him and teased him.在农场上的所有动物都嘲笑他戏弄它。All night the ugly duckling would cry himself to sleep.每天晚上丑小鸭都以泪洗面。One day, the duckling felt he had no choice but fly away.有一天,丑小鸭觉得没有选择的余地只能离开。He came to a pond where some wild ducks lived.它来到一个住着一些野鸭子的池塘。“Do you know of any duckling with gray feather like me?” he asked.丑小鸭问“你知道还有其他鸭子的灰色羽毛是跟我的一样吗?“no ,” they all said.” we don’t know any duckling as ugly as you.”他们都说“没有,我们不知道还有跟你一样丑的鸭子。”The duckling then came upon a pair of geese, who warned him not to stay at the pond.丑小鸭然后来到一堆鹅那里,他们警告丑小鸭不要留在池塘上。“It’s dangerous here! There are men and dogs hunting!”“这个很危险,因为有人类和狗在这里打猎!”Just then, pop!pop!sounded the air ,and two geese fell form the sky.就在这个时候,砰!砰的声音出现了,2只天鹅都飞上天空。The frightened duckling tried to hide,But a large ran up to him,the dog’s jaw were open,showing his sharp teeth.丑小鸭害怕地找地方躲,当时它身后的狗追着它跑。狗下巴张开,露出它尖锐的牙齿。But just as suddenly, the dog went on his way without touching the ugly duckling.但是同样突然的,那狗还没有碰到丑小鸭就掉头走了。Oh ,thought the duckling, now i am thankful i am so ugly. Even a dog will not bite me.噢,我应该感激我长的如此丑,连狗都不咬我了,丑小鸭心想。When the hunter were gone, the duckling ran off.当猎人离开了,丑小鸭赶紧跑着离开。A storm was blowing, so he sneaked inside a hut.Here he found an old woman with her beloved cat and hen.一阵狂风吹来,于是它偷偷地溜到一间小屋里面。在那里他发现一位老太太和她心爱的小猫和母鸡。“What a prize!”the woman said when she spotted the duckling.当老太太发现丑小鸭的时候说,“真是上天的恩赐!”“Now i shall have some duck eggs.”“现在我可以有一些鸭蛋了。”But after many weeks, there were no eggs.”Well you can’t lay eggs like me,” said Hen.但是过了好几周,丑小鸭还是没有下蛋。母鸡说,“好吧,你也像我一样不能下蛋了。“Can you purr like cat?”“你可以像猫那样咕噜咕噜地叫马?”“No,” said the duckling,”but i like to swim and dive.”“不,我不会。”但是我可以游泳和潜水。”The hen and cat laughted at his foolishness.母鸡和猫都嘲笑他们愚笨。They don’t understand me either, thought the duckling.”I think i will go back out into the world,” he told them.丑小鸭想他们也不懂我了,我想我还是远离这个环境了。丑小鸭这样告诉他们。“yes!” said Hen.”Do go.”“是啊,那就离开吧”母鸡说。Back to the pond, the duckling would swim and dive each day,Still , no creature would come near him.回到池塘,丑小鸭每天都游泳和潜水,但是没有任何动物会靠近它。One fall evening he saw a flock of the most beautiful birds.在一个秋天的晚上,它看到一排美丽的天鹅。He was fi

xingbaian2015 04 11 15:41


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疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事

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疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事

疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事



疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事

疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事



疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事

疫情下 一位党员教师的爱与责任 讲述羊山外国语中学陈坤老师的战“疫”小故事

