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英语课外阅读的目的不仅有助于学习成绩,还能拓宽学生视野,起到修身养性的作用。津津有味读经典系列书,英语表达方式地道,对学生起到正面引导、灌输正能量的作用。推荐给学生看,学生兴致很浓看了这本书。Three Friends》是《FavoriteAsian Folk Tales》中的一个故事。

The Three Friends

One day, three friends,Antonio,Pablo,and Jose, left theirvillage.

“We will go different ways and meet here one year fromtoday,”Antonio said.

Soon Pablo met an old woman sitting by the side of the road. Shewas very thin and wore only very old clothes.

“Excuse me ,young man,”she said,“can you give a little money? I’mvery hungry.”

Pablo did not have much money, but he gave her some.

“You are very generous, ”the old woman said, “I want to give yousomething.”

She opened an old bag and took out a small carpet.

“This carpet,” the woman said, “is a magic carpet.” It will takeyou where you ask it to. Please take it.

Pablodid not think the carpet was a magic one, but he thanked the oldwoman. He put the carpet under his arm and went on hisway.

At about this time,Antonio met a poor old man.

Antonio stopped and spoke to him. “You look sad,” he said. “Why isthat?”

The old man said, “ I’m very hungry,I have nomoney for food.”

Antonio sat down beside the old man.

“Eat with me”he said. He gave half of his food to the oldman.

“You are generous,”the old man said, “I want to givesomething.”

He took an old book out of his pocket.

“This book is very old,”he said, “but it is a magic book.Hold it inyour hand. Ask it any question.Let it fall open. It will fall opento the page that has the answer to your question”

Antonio did not believe that the book was magic, but he thanked theold man. He put the book into his pocket and went on hisway.

At about this time,Jose also met an old man. The man did not have acoat, and he was very cold.

“I am very cold,”he said to Jose, “I will die from thecold”

Jose thought to himself,“I am young and strong. I don’t feel thecold as much as the old man.”So he took off his coat and gave it tothe old man.

“You are generous,”the old man said, “I want to givesomething.”

He took a flute out of his pocket.

“This is a magic flute,”he said, “Play it to sick person, and he orshe will get better.”

Jose did not believe that the flute was a magic one, but he thankedthe old man.

He put the flute in his pocket and went on his way.

A year later, the three friends met again.

Antonio was the first to speak. He told his friends about his magicbook.

“At first I didn’t think it was magic,”he said,“but I was wrong. It is magic.”

Jose said, “Can your book tell us who is verysick?”

“Yes, it can,”Antonio said. He asked the book the question. “Who isvery sick?”

The book fell open to a picture of the king’s daughter.

“I have a magic flute,”Jose said. “It will cure anysickness”

“And I,”Pablo said ,“can take us all to the palace on my magiccarpet.”

The three friends stepped onto the magic carpet. They soon arrivedat the king’s palace. Jose told the guards about his magic flute.One of the guards went to the king.

“A man has come with a magic flute,”the guard told the king,“Hesays he can cure the princess with it.”

“Send him to me.”the king said.

Jose came before the king.

“If you can cure my daughter ,”the king said,“ then you may marryher.If you do not cure her, you will go to prison.”

Jose stood by the princess’s bed and played the magic flute. Withinminutes, she was sitting up in bed asking for food.

“My daughter is cured!”the king said. “You may marryher.”

Antonio said,“ It is true that Jose’s flute cured your daughter,butmy magic book told us she was sick,Why can’t I marry theprincess?”

Then Pablo said, “My carpet brought us to the palace.Why can’t Imarry the princess.”

The king said,“I must talk to the princess about this.”

The next day, the princess and the king met the three friendsagain.

A servant pinned a large flower to one of the walls in the room.Other servants gave each of the three friends a bow and anarrow.

“Pretend that the flower is the heart of the princess,”the kingsaid.“The one who shoots an arrow nearest to the middle of herheart shall marry the princess.”

Antonio moved to shoot first. He was clever with a bow and arrow.Heshot his arrow at the flower. It hit the flower in themiddle.

Next Pablo shot an arrow. It divided Antonio’s arrow intotwo.

Jose turned to the king.“I cannot shoot an arrow at the flower,”hesaid.“I cannot shoot at the heart of the woman I want tomarry.”

The princess walked towards Jose and took his hand.

“Father,”she said,“ this man will make a true husband forme.”

Jose and the princess were married. The king,who was very old,askedto take his place as the new king. Antonio and Pablo helped him.They knew that he was a wiser man than they were.





Questions: 1. What did friends have incommon?

2.Whatcould Pablo’smagic carpet do ?

3.Whatcould Antonio’sbook do?

4.Whatcould Jose’sflute do?

5.Whowas sick in the story?

6.Whodid the princess marry?



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