
伊索寓言故事英文版13 The Lion and the Mouse



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The Lion and the Mouse It is a peaceful afternoon in the forest. Mr. Lion is very sleepy. Lion: What a peaceful afternoon! I am very sleepy. Uh yawns I will take a nap now. Mr. Lion falls asleep. Three little mice play near Mr. Lion. Mickey: Come on, let s play! Minnie: Okay. What game shall we play? Jerry: How about hide and seek? Mickey: Great idea! Mickey: But who will be IT ? Jerry: Let s do Rock, Paper, Scissors. Mickey: Fine. Mickey: Rock, Paper, Scissors. Minnie: Rock, Paper, Scissors. Jerry: Ah ha! Mickey, you are IT ! Mickey: Okay. I will count to ten. You two hide. Minnie: Don t count too fast. Jerry: Let s hide! Minnie and Jerry look around for a good place to hide. Minnie hides under a leaf, but Jerry can t find a good place. He looks and looks. Jerry: I can t find a good place. Mickey: eight, nine, ten. Come out, come out! Wherever you are! Ah ha! I found you, Minnie. Come out! Jerry: Oh, no! I better hide right now. Hey, this looks like a good place. It s really soft. Jerry climbs up and hides. But he doesn t know that he is on top of Mr. Lion s head. Mickey: Where are you, Jerry? Minnie: Come out! We can t find you! Jerry: Ha, ha, ha! Here I am! Jerry shouts and wakes Mr. Lion. Lion: roaring Grrr Who is this? Who woke me up? Mickey: A LION!!! Minnie: Jerry, run!!! Jerry: A Lion? Jerry looks down and Mr. Lion looks up. Their eyes meet. Jerry: Oops! Jerry tries to run away, but Mr. Lion stops him. Lion: Stop there! Who are you? Jerry: I am just a little mouse. Lion: YOU woke me up? Jerry: It wasn t on purpose. I was just playing. I didn t know. Lion: I am very angry. I am going to eat you! Jerry: I am very sorry, Mr. Lion. Please, forgive me. Lion: I don t care. I am still angry. You woke me. So I will eat you. Jerry: Please, wait! Please, don t eat me! Lion: Why not? I am hungry. Jerry: Because I am very small. And I taste terrible. Please, let me go. Just this once. Lion: Perhaps you are right. You are very small. Jerry: Yes, yes. Let me go and someday I will help you. Lion: Ha, ha! That is so funny. How can a little mouse help me? I am the king of the forest. Jerry: I am small. But I am also very smart. I will help you someday. I promise. Lion: Okay, okay. Just this once. You can go. But don t wake me up again. Then I will really eat you. Jerry: Thank you so much, Mr. Lion. You are so kind. I won t forget your kindness. Lion: Just leave e alone now. I m going back to sleep. Uh Mr. Lion lets Jerry go and falls back to sleep. A few days later, Jerry is playing with his friends in the forest again. He hears Mr. Lion crying far away. Lion: cryingGrrr Jerry: Hey, Mickey. Did you hear something? Mickey: No. I didn t hear anything. Jerry: How about you, Minnie? Minnie: I don t know. Lion: cryingGrrr Jerry: I think it s Mr. Lion. I think he is hurt. I must help him. Jerry looks around the forest for Mr. Lion, but he can t find him. Jerry: Where are you, Mr. Lion? Cry out louder! Lion: Help! Anyone help! Jerry: There you are! I found you. But why are you in a net? Lion: A hunter caught me. He will be back soon. Call a big animal. Quickly! Jerry: Don t worry. I will help you. Lion: How can you? You are so small. Jerry: I will chew up the rope. Just wait. Lion: Hurry, before the hunter comes back. Jerry keeps chewing the rope. Lion: Little mouse, your teeth must hurt. Jerry: It s okay. I want to help you. There, the rope is cut. Mr. Lion gets out of the net. Lion: Thank you, little mouse. Thank you for your help. Jerry: That s okay. I said I would help you someday. Lion: You were right. You may be small, but you are also very smart. MORAL Do not judge someone by their size. And, kindness is never wasted.

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