
格林童话集:Donkey Cabbages 魔法莴苣



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there was once a young huntsman who went into the forest to lie inwait. he had a fresh and joyous heart, and as he was going thither,whistling upon a leaf, an ugly old crone came up, who spoke to himand said, good day, dear huntsman, truly you are merry and contented, but i am suffering from hunger and thirst, do give me an alms. the huntsman had compassion on the poor old creature, felt in his pocket, and gave her what he could afford. he was then about to go further, but the old woman stopped him and said, listen, dear huntsman, to what i tell you; i will make you a present in return for your kindness. go on your way now, but in a little while you will come to a tree, whereon nine birds are sittingwhich have a cloak in their claws, and are plucking at it; take yourgun and shoot into the midst of them, they will let the cloak falldown to you, but one of the birds will be hurt, and will drop downdead. carry away the cloak, it is a wishing cloak; when you throwit over your shoulders, you only have to wish to be in a certainplace, and you will be there in the twinkling of an eye. take outthe heart of the dead bird and swallow it whole, and every morningearly, when you get up, you will find a gold piece under your pillow. the huntsman thanked the wise woman, and thought to himself, those are fine things that she has promised me, if all does but cometrue. and verily when he had walked about a hundred paces, he heardin the branches above him such a screaming and twittering that helooked up and saw there a crowd of birds who were tearing a piece ofcloth about with their beaks and claws, and tugging and fighting asif each wanted to have it all to himself. well, said the huntsman, this is wonderful, it has really come to pass just as the old wifeforetold! and he took the gun from his shoulder, aimed and firedright into the midst of them, so that the feathers flew about. thebirds instantly took to flight with loud outcries, but one droppeddown dead, and the cloak fell at the same time. then the huntsmandid as the old woman had directed him, cut open the bird, sought theheart, swallowed it down, and took the cloak home with him.

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格林童话集:Donkey Cabbages 魔法莴苣

格林童话集:Donkey Cabbages 魔法莴苣

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格林童话集:Donkey Cabbages 魔法莴苣

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