
AnUnhappyKing永不快乐的国王Long longago therelivedaveryrichandstrongking.Allth

时间:2020-09-25 05:24:02


AnUnhappyKing永不快乐的国王Long longago therelivedaveryrichandstrongking.Allth

An Unhappy King永不快乐的国王 Long, long ago, there lived a very rich and strong king. All the people in his country were afraid of him. But was he happy? No, he was often ill and unhappy. The doctors in his country could not cure him, so the king was angry with them. One day two famous doctors from another country came to see him. The king said to them,“If you can cure me and make me happy, Ill give you a lot of gold.” The first doctor looked carefully at the king. He found nothing wrong with him.“Oh, King, you are very well,” said the doctor. “You think you are ill and that makes you unhappy.” Hearing these words, the king was angry and told his soldiers to kill the doctor. The other doctor knew that he had to be more careful. “King, youll be all right if you find a happy person and wear his shoes,” he said. The king was pleased to hear his words, and he gave the doctor a bag of gold. The king asked hundreds of people whether they were happy. All of them said they were sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy. At last he met a beggar who said he was always happy. “Give me your shoes quickly,” said the king,“and Ill make you very rich.” The beggar smiled and said, “Sorry, I never wear shoes.”Notes1. cure v. 治愈2. gold n. 金子3. smile v. 微笑4. beggar n. 乞丐Why did the king feel unhappy all the time?ABecause he thought he would die soon.BBecause nobody in the country loved him.CBecause he wanted to live longer.DBecause he thought he was ill.What happened to the first doctor? AHe was cut off his head.BHe was put into prison.CHe was given a lot of gold.DHe was driven away from the country.The king didnt get the beggars shoes because .Athe beggar didnt want to give him his shoesBthe beggar had lost his shoesCthe beggar never wore shoesDthe beggar had thrown away his shoes 初二物理作业帮用户2016 11 17

AnUnhappyKing永不快乐的国王Long longago therelivedaveryrichandstrongking.Allthepeopleinhiscountrywereafraidofhim.Butwashehappy?No hewasoftenillandunhappy.Thedoctorsinhiscountrycouldnotcurehi

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