
12月25日故事:The King's Illness 国王的病

时间:2020-09-25 05:24:02


12月25日故事:The King's Illness 国王的病

please read the story carefully,translate the red sentences and tell me what are you thinking about when you read the whole story~Dont be shy,just make your imagination fly in your sky! Long long ago, there lived a very rich king. He was not happy because he was always ill. The doctors in his country could not cure him. He was so angry with them that he cut off their heads. One day, two famous doctors from anther country came to see him. The king said to them. If you can cure me and make me happy, Ill give you a lot of gold. The first doctor examined the king. He found nothing wrong with him. Oh, King, you are very well, said the doctor. You only think you are ill and that makes you unhappy. The king was very angry when he heard this. He told his soldiers to cut off the doctors head. The second doctor knew he had to be careful. Oh, King, youll be all right if you find a happy man and wear his shoes, he said. The king was satisfied with his words. Then he gave the doctor a bag of gold. The king asked hundreds of people whether they were always happy. They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy. At last the king met a beggar. The beggar said that he was always happy. Give me your shoes quickly, said the king, and Ill make you a very rich man. The beggar smiled and said, Sorry, I never wear shoes. This makes no sense. Good and evil are an idea, just like joy and sorrow. ——Spencer本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览

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  1. 海纳&百川2021-11-30 04:08海纳&百川[广东省网友]
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