
跪求一个国王和乞丐的故事。。。英文版 大致内容如下:

时间:2020-09-25 05:36:01


跪求一个国王和乞丐的故事。。。英文版 大致内容如下:

矮油...是你啊.. The second doctor thought he should be careful so he said to the king:“Your Majesty, I think it would be my pleasure if I can do something for you. If you can find a person that always be happy and put on his shoes, then you ll be happy.The king was very glad, he bestowed a lot of gold upon the doctor.Then ,the king ordered to find the person who always be happy throughout the kingdom . And he searched the various people including the doctors farmers and Kingdom soldiers . But its a pity that everyone may have some days in low mood .Just then, a soldier told the king that they found a person who is always very happy . He was a beggar. The king was very happy, he found the beggar and said to him:“ if you can put your shoes to me, then I will give you a lot of gold. The beggar heard, laughed, and said: “my dear lord, Id like to help you, but beggars never wear shoes"

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  1. 登高.凭栏.赏朝阳2021-11-30 03:55登高.凭栏.赏朝阳[山西省网友]